Auto mount router connected hard drive in raspberry pi ubuntu mate

Hello Everyone, can somebody please help me how to automount my hard drive connected to my linksys ea65000 router in my raspberry pi ubuntu mate as a local folder so that i could download torrents in that router connected drive. . I know that i need to do some tweaking in /etc/fstab file. I have done lots of combinations. but the result is failure. I get mount error 13 permission denied and i ran out of ideas. i would really appreciate it.

In UM, I have always installed Arios Automount as it just mounts and makes writeable every available drive, both internal and external, at boot up without having to touch your fstab. As for whether it will have an issue in a pi, I don’t know for sure, but I cant see why it would not work.

You can get the copy I use here:

thank you very much that helped a lot. I appreciate it.