Automating new installations

Is there a way to set everything in the Welcome screen and Control Center from a script or config file? Is there a listing of shell commands that do these setup tasks? Is there a way to find them in man pages, for example? I build a lot of software, and I don't always want to use a VM; so sometimes my system gets trashed. It would be great if I could keep all my preferences in the cloud. Better yet. can I generate such a file from my existing system?

I think, you can find a good starting point here:

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That's very interesting. I've been learning vagrant and docker; so I'm thinking in that vein. I don't seem to be able to find what I want. I do have my panels saved and my dot files in the cloud. I guess I'll throw together something for all my packages; so I don't have to think about those. Running through welcome is no big deal; so I'll just do that manually, I guess. Whatever I script for packages can also do my dot files, I suppose. I'll move them to github and make them available. lol! Cheers!

Take a look at post install scripts, many are available from searching.

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Thank you @Philippe.