I am install Ubuntu Mate 20.04 on an old laptop computer. With the live-USB, everything is fine. But after the complete install, the display resolution is reduced to 640x480 and I can't change it, no other resolution is available.
I have read old posts about similar issues, but no clear solution.
Thanks to anybody who can help !
Back in 2014, when I used Linux Mint, I needed to add the 1920x1080 (1080P) resolution for a TV connected via a VGA cable. I wrote this article that details the step-by-step. Both cvt and xrandr are pre-installed, so these same steps will work on Ubuntu MATE. The two additional resources referenced at the bottom of the article might be able to help you out as well.
Thank you very much for this answer.
I finally solved my problem by modifying the grub file
(line GRUB_GFXMODE=1280x800)
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