Best app to unarchive files?

Some of my .rar and .zip files do not open with the built in emgrampa manager. Which one is the nest recommended one?

you can install p7zip (there is also p7zip-rar) and use the command line ...

sudo apt install p7zip p7zip-rar

Thanks! But it always ends with an error, while in Windows it does not.

Mavra to blepo Pavlo.....

What error does Engrampa give?

Can you provide a screenshot?

This requires more clarification.

p7zip-full , rar and unrar are detected by most archive managers which are used by most modern desktop environments, MATE's engrampa included.

This is important to understand; these are command-line utilities that Engrampa, as an archive manager and frontend for the novice to browse and view files in a GUI seek out. This check is performed before rendering the interface, which make them appear in the list of available formats for creation if a corresponding library it checks for exists.

The pzip-full package should take care of your extraction needs, and as mentioned, will be used with the built-in archiver (Engrampa).

For the ZIP, you could try the unzip command in the Terminal, which will unpack as much as possible:

cd Downloads

The file command will tell us details about the file in question:

file /path/to/

Normally decompression errors are an indicator the file is corrupt or damaged.

:camera: A screenshot of the error should help give an idea of what's going on.

Or password-protected. But it depends on the type of error received for diagnosis whether somebody is dealing with a password-protected archive.

How can I unzip an entire folder?
The Folder has hundreds of zipped files

you can try unzip '*.zip'

that only works for files not entire folders

Not sure what you mean - do you have many subdirectories containing zip files to unzip?

If so, try:

find . -name '*.zip' -exec unzip {} \;