Bleachbit replacement (Suggestion): Czkawka

I have just discovered the Czkawka binary @ GitHub - qarmin/czkawka: Multi functional app to find duplicates, empty folders, similar images etc.

In a nutshell it could make a fine replacement for Bleachbit.

For any of you who could be offended by "replacing Bleachbit": how about simply adding it in the software repo as am sure it would make a lot of (especially) new users happy?!


Hi, @DLS :slight_smile:

(Usual disclaimer / reminder: please note that I'm just another Forum user - and moderator - here. I'm NOT an Ubuntu developer or an Ubuntu MATE developer)

I confess that I didn't know about that "Czkawka" cleaner utility :slight_smile: For what it's worth, I see that version 7.0 of czkawka is available as a "snap" to install, as I've tried the below command in a computer running Ubuntu MATE 24.04.2 LTS ("Noble Numbat"):

$ snap info czkawka
name:      czkawka
summary:   Czkawka - fast data cleaner written in Rust
publisher: Rafał Mikrut (turkimlafarq)
license:   MIT
description: |
  Czkawka is very fast and feature rich cleaner which finds file duplicates,
  empty folders and files, duplicated music, similar images or the biggest
  files in selected directories.
  This program have frontend written in GTK 4.
snap-id: d18nkT1UqB3GtnJlYAuw0jUq12wE4Mz8
  latest/stable:    7.0.0 2024-04-19 (1010) 8MB -
  latest/candidate: ↑                           
  latest/beta:      ↑                           
  latest/edge:      7.0.0 2024-02-27 (1010) 8MB -

I think that I also should add that I haven't tried "Bleachbit" or "Czkawka" yet.


As usual, I appreciate your keen eye @ricmarques

I will also add that undeploying snapd is very high on my list of priorities immediately after having deployed any new UM system :smiley:


I recently came across czkawka while trying to de-dupe a massive number of files on which fdupes, jdupes and sdupes had all choked. I found it to be fast, and with its UI, very customizable. It helped me clear over 250Gb of duplicate files, and I'm soon to go over my many (and duplicated) photo archives. Highly recommended!


I'm a long time bleachbit user but may have to give Czkawka a try.I also noticed that is available as a flatpak,would be great to see it available as a .deb also.


The czkawka I downloaded is an AppImage, which I find handy. I've added it to my Main Menu in the System Tools group.

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