Boot fails after kernel update

Mate Ubuntu 14.04 x64
Nvidia 650 (nvidia-updates pkg)

I've been using Mate Ubuntu for more than a month. 
Everything was fine. 

Now system fails to boot with a new 3.19.0-49 kernel. 
So I have to manually choose previous *-47 kernel to bootup.

now it works. Weird issue.

You should only used the “Tested” versions of Nvidia drivers and not the “Updates” package!, I also have an Nvidia graphics card and use the package “nvidia-352” on Ubuntu mate 15.10/16.04. !. :smiley:

I’ve been using *buntu distros for years. And never had any issues with nvidia proprietaries. And I always used *-updates. Which is not going to change in my way ))
At the same time my “trusty-proposed” updates are turned off. And that is quite reasonable.

The above mentioned issue had probably something to do with system files error. And still is unknown.

And, for the record, nvidia tested drivers are the same as nvidia updates now. (v.352.63)

Anyway, thanks for reply :slightly_smiling:
I do like ubuntu mate spin. I wish it to “stay on these roads” © A-Ha :+1: