Brasero Freezes at "starting to record"

I thought I had this solved but Brasero freezes at burning audio cd. Uninstall and reinstall doesn’t work. Ubuntu Mate 18.04.

try uninstalling and purging brasero package and reinstalling from command line and see if any error ariese in the installation

No luck, same issue.

Brasero is acting up for me at the moment. I am using xfburn instead.

It works but no CD Text.

Coming in late but this has also begun to affect me. Given that I’m fairly certain that I’ve burned discs in Ubuntu 18.04 at some point in the past (perhaps in beta stage?) I’m puzzled by this issue. I’ve installed K3B since and will test that out to see if it’s a hardware issue which came up recently.

There is a current bug report here.

Brasero worked fine for me in 16.04, but since upgrading to 18.04 it aborts immediately with an error when I try to burn an audio cd. Xfburn does the job without any issue in 18.04.

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Exactly. Xfburn works in 18.04. Brasero, for me at least and, by the sounds of it, a lot of other people does not work in 18.04.

Thanks. Xfburn works.

This solution worked for me - after running commands below, I was able to burn with Brasero (ubuntu 18.04 base):

cd /usr/bin
sudo chmod -v 4711 cdrdao
udo chmod -v 4711 wodim
sudo chmod -v 0755 growisofs

I have the same issue. Installed k3b, but with the same results. The image seems to burn, but when I reinsert the disk am told it is a blank dvd.

Not working for me. This is serious. I need to be able to burn images. If I cannot, as much as I love Ubuntu Mate, I will have to consider a new OS.

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I also have recently had trouble with k3b working on someone computer and that was on Mint, so it may not be a UM issue only

K3B requires the same permission changes as Brasero suddendly seems to require, it even has a check in the UI for this…

They tried basically the same commands and it didn’t work

Xfburn works in 18.04

Then it should probably be made an updated default until the issue with Brasero is fixed.

EDIT: Also was finally able to log into my Launchpad account and add myself to the bug.

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Ubuntu 18.04.3 Brasero/K3B/XfBurn/SimpleBurn not writing/hanging - SOLVED

It’s a permissions problem: Change permissions in termial with these commands.

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrdao

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/wodim

sudo chmod 0755 /user/bin/growisfs

Change permissions in termial with these commands.

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/cdrdao

sudo chmod 4711 /usr/bin/wodim

sudo chmod 0755 /user/bin/growisfs