Brisk menu - how to access buttom left corner items (end session, lock, turn off) by using only keyboard?

I have just installed Ubuntu MATE 18.04.2 LTS with all updates on fresh system.
It looks and works great as usual, but I have simple question.

I wonder how can I access the left corner items of Brisk Menu (End the current session, Lock the screen, Turn off the device):


by using only keyboard?
How should I navigate to them? If I start by clicking <Super> key, what should I do next?

Hi @Norbert_X,

It was several versions ago I looked at Brisk and concluded if you are a keyboard navigator (like I am and I assume you are) it is NOT for us.

Someone may prove me wrong but I'll bet it's not possible. Any takers?


I can't find any keybindings / accelerators / shortcuts defined in the source code related to these tooltips.

So I reported two bugs or feature-requests: