Cairo Dock / GLX-Dock

Hi all,

I've been playing around with Cairo Dock a bit this weekend, and cannot get it to play nice with Caja.

I couldn't get Docky to play nice with Caja either. Or rather, I could but the fix would be hosed by any subsequent Caja update.

The problem I'm having with Cairo is that clicking an 'open home folder' command causes another dock to appear over the current dock. Meaning I have two docks in the same place. Like this:

I'm launching the dock from the startup applications in control panel with the command: /usr/bin/cairo-dock -o -e gnome

Any hints on how to get this to behave?


Hi there! Did you ever find an answer to this. It’s driving me over the edge. lol

Yeah, I switched to Mint :wink:

I just use Mate on a Raspberry Pi now, which runs headless 99% of the time.

Sorry, I know that doesn’t really help at all.

Done… except not really because it seems there is zero interest in revamping that addon.

Can somebody make this happen?!

Seriously. It’s enough that AWN died but to provide no alternative? That’s not acceptable IMO.