Hi. I upgraded from 20.04 to 22.04 by wiping the disk and restoring a backup of home. After this procedure, I used Synaptic to install Cairo Dock. Since the upgrade CD has never run right--using the options "Cairo-dock -ma", I was able to make the dock appear, but it doesn't respond to clicks. Not sure what to do. Like the title states, my GPU is a Geforce GTX 1650.
Hi. Should I post to only one of the forums?
No, to my knowledge there are no rules that prevent you from posting on both sites (Stack Exchange has such a rule for their sites though), but as many of use multiple sites, it wastes our time when we start reading a help request & slowly realize we've read it before, because it's double posted.
I suspect it's better to warn those reading it and attempting to help you, when re-asking the same question at different sites.
I installed PPA, then ran "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" since I already had a version of Cairo Dock installed. This fixed the EGL support lack, I think, as the dock works correctly now.http://glx-dock.org/