Caja has different option than Nautilus

I’ve been using Ubuntu for quite some time and I often used Nautilus ‘right click’ to move of copy files - selection is EXTREMELY flexible.

When using Caja right click is available, however the options are limited to Home Folder or Desktop.

Am I missing some preference to set? Advice please.


I though I had it nailed by switching Personal Preferences System to “Files”, but when I close out files the wall paper I have selected reverts to “default Ubuntu”.
Maybe this is caused by having installed Mate Desktop over top Unity.

Choosing Files on my laptop [UM installed directly] did not result in wall paper switch!
Thoughts …

From what I know, these are only two options available for "Copy to" and "Move to" :confused:

I thought I've seen a feature request for this somewhere, but I can't seem to find any.

There is a way to create a script to achieve something similar:

I'm not sure about your wallpaper situation.

Thanks Luke,
As you mentioned prior … install only the minimum desktop, I’m pretty certain that the fact Mate desktop is installed on top of Unity is breaking this. The wall paper is no big deal since this is a total throw away install I’m using to test and learn UM. If I decide to switch from Ubuntu to UM I will be able to choose Nautilus file manager as my default and not have an issue with wall paper as I mentioned about my laptop.