Caja problem with "Places" Menu after update

Good day to all,

I have an Ubuntu Mate LTS 20.04.5. It has been always worked smootly with very minor issues from time to time (seldom) I am a Ubuntu user since 2005 aprox.

During my last ordinary update (dec. 2022) it looks like a bug on the MENU has appeared. under the "Files" menu, everytime I try to open a folder or volumen, a screen with an icon of 2 keys pops up with the message "decyphering" or "Decrypting" (It's in Spanish ). Then, instead of opening the folder, (no matter what the folder is) after sometime it always find a file that it can not decypher and the process shows an error.

When I try to open the folders/volumes with the caja icon that is in the collapsable bar in the bottom (Apple launcher-like) it works smoothly as it has always been.

So the problem is not with the program itself but on how the Menu "Places" manages it after the last update.

Is there a way to restore the functionality of the "Places" menu without changing the rest of the personalisation parameters? Is there any other person affected by this awkward behaviour in "Places" after these recent updates?

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Brgds / Capitan_Charlie

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Welcome @Capitan_Charlie to the community!

Thanks Bombilla for your wellcome.

Regarding my initial message, I just would like to clarify about the problem that, beyond the message of decyphering.... the process never ends succesfully, so if I only could use that "Places" menu, I would never be able to access any folder.

Fortunately, I have the icon in the bottom bar launcher that works perfectly, allowing me to acces all my files and folders. But if this launcher eventually failed, I could not acces any!

So it is important to restore the functionality of this Menu "Places".

Thanks again and Brgds

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UM22.04.1 works with all current updates.
Are you using encryption?

Also could try in image below
1 Hit down arrow and change to a different option and then again and back to Places.

2 Hit X and then hit F9 May have to hit down arrow and select Places depending on where you last set it.

Also could try re-sizing window, most likely not issue. Window size has issue with re-naming folder.

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Dear Mendy,
Thanks for your reply.

I am not sure about encryption. I think I remember that when I installed this version one year ago, the process asked if I wanted to encrypt the files, just like the Android phone does. If that was the case, most probably I had selected yes.

Anyhow, in this case, I have not changed anything and the system has worked flawlessly until the last update.

Just for the sake of clarity, I am pasting 2 pictures, of the problem with some explanatory notes ...

Thanks and Brgds

Furthermore, what happens is this:

This had never happened in this (or any other) ubuntu system I had ever used. I think ity might be something "Caja" specific that failed after the updates.

Thanks / Charlie

Know nothing about how encryption is handled.

Another thing to check is


Dear Mendy,

You were quite right!! That was where the problem resided.

Apparently some sowtware I also installed yesterday (after the update) must have changed the extensions. And when I was clicking in the folders (what should launch Caja) instead of launching caja, the call launched some decyphering process instead.

I have reset Caja as the file manager and the system has gone back to normal.

Thanks you so much for your help!!
