Can I update from Ubuntu 18.04 to 19.10 on 32 bit computers?

I am currently running three 32 bit computers on Ubuntu Mate 18.04. Can I update my OS on these machines to Ubuntu Mate 19.10, and how?

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18.04 will be the last ubuntu mate release supporting 32 bit computers. you might find some 32 bit support at other flavours or other distros. The general advice is to replace those computers by computers with an 64 bit processor.

Hello Alinwelland

If your 32bit computer cannot be replaced and you need a GNU/Linux OS, you might want to consider "MX Linux" - they still have a 32bit ISO and are based on Debian stable. They have a good GUI package manager with Flathub integration to make installing Flatpaks easier. :penguin:

Link to download webpage:

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