Can not write 16.04 image to recent NOOBS sd card

I use Ubuntu 16.04 on my machine. I have downloaded the new 16.04 Ubuntu Mate image for Raspberry Pi. The SHA256 hash matches what is published.

The uncompressed file is 7.5GB.
ls -lh ubuntu-mate-16.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img
-rw-r–r-- 1 pid pid 7.5G Apr 26 12:12 ubuntu-mate-16.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img

However the recent NOOBS SD card I got is 7.4GB.
sda 8:0 0 238.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 243M 0 part /boot

mmcblk0 179:0 0 7.4G 0 disk

So guess what happens when I use ddrescue to write the image onto the SD card? It fails saying the SD card is too small.

sudo ddrescue -D --force ubuntu-mate-16.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img /dev/mmcblk0
GNU ddrescue 1.19
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
rescued: 7948 MB, errsize: 0 B, current rate: 4390 kB/s
ipos: 7948 MB, errors: 0, average rate: 9728 kB/s
opos: 7948 MB, run time: 13.61 m, successful read: 0 s ago
Copying non-tried blocks… Pass 1 (forwards)
ddrescue: Write error: No space left on device

The NOOBS card shipped is a Sandisk 8GB card.

Gnome Disks also can not write the image reporting it is 105MB too big.

Please search before posting, this has already been asked and answered at least twice.

The Image size is 8.1Gb, So it doesn’t fit on a 7.4Gb SD card. You need to acquire a larger SD card.

I did search, but I didn’t spot those questions.

I have since solved the problem, and built an exact copy that does fit on an 8GB flash card.