Canon printer support code 2110 error

My Canon TS9120 won't print because of a support code 2110.

I tried everything here, but nothing solved the problem.

I thought someone may have found a solution to the 2110 support code.

I just found out that site wants $5 for an answer. :slight_smile:

When I open that page I don't see any request for $5, but it mostly seems to point to anyway, ie. a settings/configuration issue relating to paper.

I tried the scanner function. It did not work with a similar message about the paper not matching ....

I register some HP paper.

Same error message.

I have had a lot of good use of the Canon printer.

Ezink sold reasonable price inks.

My daughter used it for a while too.

For about 6 months, it was kept in a box in her garage.

Maybe heat and humidity took a toll on the printer.

Hi, Andy.

This web page from Canon's official support site addresses the same 2110 error code for a different model of printer. Since manufacturers like Canon often use a common software base within their various models, you might give this a try. The web page gives instructions on how to adjust the printer settings so they match the paper actually loaded in the tray:

That page also links to this other page that tells how to disable the paper detection, preventing the error code from popping up, although your printing results may suffer. This info is also for a different Canon model, but it might be worth a try: