Can't access certain sites even if they are ok on mobile for example

I had this issue and I wanted to write somewhere the solution to it.

In Firefox
Preferences->Network settings and Enable DNS over HTTPS.

The hint was:'t-access-https-sites-in-firefox-fresh-ubuntu-6-10-install-506164/

In Chromium I can't figure out how to enable DoH.

When running Chromium under a supported desktop environment, the system proxy settings will be used. However, either your system is not supported or there was a problem launching your system configuration.

But you can still configure via the command line. Please see man chromium-browser for more information on flags and environment variables.


But even if I install dnss and run

dnss -enable_dns_to_https -https_upstream="

the url
still displays :

|Connected to|No|
|Using DNS over HTTPS (DoH)|No|
|Using DNS over TLS (DoT)|No|
|Using DNS over WARP|No|

Final edit

I managed to do it with
I put, or in additional DNS in IPv4 and flushed the cache with
sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches.
After that I disconnected the network connection and connected it again.

More info on DoH

This was the solution for chromium and chrome. If it is done the firefox setting is not necessary any more: