Can't find .sha256 for jammy

Hi there and happy new year!

I can't find the .sha256 and .sha256 and .sha256.sign for jammy in here:

The jammy folder is somehow missing an /amd64 folder

Am I looking in the wrong place?

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Hi Piko, welcome to the community, and a good new year to yo too :slight_smile:

Yep :slight_smile:

Try here:


Welcome @Piko to the community!

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Thanks tkn,

Note that on the following page: Verifying Downloads | Ubuntu MATE
the first paragraph ( 1. Obtain the checksums and signature) seems to imply that the link that you provided is for downloads provided by Canonical.

Or for device ports provided by us:
Download the .sha256 and .sha256.sign files.

Yes, all of Ubuntu, including Ubuntu-MATE is hosted by Canonical.
Only the 'device ports' (that means "other hardware than amd64") are hosted elsewhere.



Since I downloaded the iso from the ubuntu-mate website I assumed that it was hosted there but the link is indeed redirecting to

My bad!


Hi, @Piko

To supplement the good answers that @tkn (thom) has already given you in this topic: I don't know if you noticed that, at the bottom of each download web page in the "Ubuntu MATE" web site, you can also find the SHA256 checksum / hash of the ISO file. :slight_smile:

So, for the AMD64 (64-bit PCs/ Macs) version of Ubuntu MATE 22.04 LTS ("Jammy Jellyfish"), the direct link to the web page is - To find that web page when starting from the "Ubuntu MATE" web site's home page - - one should click on the "Download" icon in the upper horizontal navigation bar - which would lead to the web page - and then clicking on the "64-bit PCs / Macs" box - which would lead to the web page - and then by clicking on the "22.04.3 LTS" box - which would lead to the web page.

Then, if you scroll down that web page, you'll also find there the "Checksum (SHA256)" value of the ISO file at the bottom of that page, as I show in the following screenshot:

So, now you may also just select that hash value and copy and paste it to a text file :slight_smile: Or, if you want to get a bit more creative, you can also use a command to get that value from that web page, given that the SHA256 hash is a 64 character length alphanumeric string and assuming that it is surrounded by "<code>" and "</code>" HTML tags, as I now show:

$ wget -O- -q | grep -E '<code>[A-Za-z0-9]{64}</code>' | sed 's:</code>:\'$'\n'':g' | sed -n 's/.*>//p' | head -c -1

Naturally, the command above only works while the 64 characters string is enclosed in <code> and </code> HTML tags.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:


Thank you for a complete answer @ricmarques

I don't know if you noticed that, at the bottom of each download web page in the "Ubuntu MATE" web site, you can also find the SHA256 checksum / hash of the ISO file.

I didn't and I'm not afraid to admit that it wasn't even my first facepalm of the year 2024.

Meanwhile I had successfully verified the iso file with the help of @tkn

Now I ran into more serious problems with the installation, so buckle up :innocent: