Can't locate Fuseext2 on 16.04 for Rpi 3

Forgive my noobness, but I haven’t been able to get apt-get to install fuseext2. I get “unable to locate package fuseext2”.

I’ve checked download location in Software & Updated (it’s Main Server), and universe and main are both checked.

Any suggestions? Thanks

Sadly, this package is not avaliable for Raspberry Pi (armhf).

$ rmadison fuseext2
 fuseext2 | 0.3-1   | precise/universe | amd64, i386, powerpc
 fuseext2 | 0.4-1.1 | trusty/universe  | amd64, i386, powerpc
 fuseext2 | 0.4-1.1 | vivid/universe   | amd64, i386, powerpc
 fuseext2 | 0.4-1.1 | wily/universe    | amd64, i386, powerpc
 fuseext2 | 0.4-1.1 | xenial/universe  | amd64, i386, powerpc
 fuseext2 | 0.4-1.1 | yakkety/universe | amd64, i386, powerpc

Instead, this will need compiling from source code, assuming it is compatible with the Raspberry Pi.

First, download a copy of this repository.

Install the build tools:

sudo apt install build-essential

Then the dependencies for building:

sudo apt install m4 autoconf automake libtool
sudo apt install libfuse-dev e2fslibs-dev

Then compile it:

sudo make install

See their README for more information. I haven’t used this package or compiled it from scratch.

Good luck! :slight_smile: