Caps lock key turns on at lock screen?

I just noticed this and it keeps happening....... When away from my computer I noticed that when I move the mouse, and try to type in my password that the caps lock keeps getting activated and I know that its not me doing it. What could be causing my usb keyboard's caps lock key to activate when I haven't even pushed the caps lock key?


I tried to find a similar issue for troubleshooting but could not find one.

A couple things.

  • How do you become aware that the Caps Lock is being activated?
  • You say this occurs when entering password. are you absolutely sure you are not accidentally hitting the Caps Lock key? Is it possible you are using an Upper case letter in your password and brushing it while using the Shift key?

After that we would need some more information on your installed version, computer, and keyboard.

How do you become aware that the Caps Lock is being activated?>>>

Answer: On the screen it says CAPS LOCK IS ON and I can look down at the keyboard and see the light is on.

You say this occurs when entering password. are you absolutely sure you are not accidentally hitting the Caps Lock key? Is it possible you are using an Upper case letter in your password and brushing it while using the Shift key?<<<

Answer: I am sure I'm not doing that because I hit Shift then the first letter. I even look down at the keyboard to make sure I am hitting shift.

I just moved my mouse and the caps lock key wasn't activated this time


You might try deactivating the caps lock key.

System> Preferences> Hardware> Keyboard> Layouts tab> Options...> Caps Lock behavior> select Caps Lock is disabled.

Oh wow... That totally killed the capslock key... The light doesn't come on or off anymore.