Change color of Mate Splash Screen Logo

Change color of Mate Splash Screen Logo

I would like to change the color of the Ubuntu-Mate splash screen logo. The ubuntu-mate-logo(s) are located/stored in /usr/shr/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-mate-logo/. I have changed the color of the green ubuntu-mate-logo (u-m-l) file in that directory, and it is displayed on the shutdown splash screen. BUT, the opening green u-m-l is not changed.

I have fiddled with all of the .png logos at /usr/shr/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-mate-logo/, none of the changes affect the opening splash screen logo. I have also temporarily blocked the display action by arbitrarily changing the themes directory to “nowthemes ”; the green u-m-l logo still shows on boot.

What/where is MATE accessing to get the splash screen u-m-l logo? It would seem there is another location other than in themes where a copy of the u-m-l loge is stored?

If you have already changed the logo, try this:

sudo update-initramfs -u

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That is the solution. To repeat the solution for changing the opening and closing MATE splash screens on my PC system:

  1. Change the ubuntu-mate-logo.png located @ /usr/share/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-mate-logo/. This step must be done first.
  2. In the terminal enter:
    sudo update-initramfs -u

A lot more to go to get the transparency and dots going- I will save that effort for a rainy week (which nevers happens in California) 5 years from now. I am very good with getting away from the green logo, which "appeases my colorblindness. "

tkn, big thanks for uncovering this solution for me.