Change icon for a launcher

Is there a way to change the icon of a launcher that I created.

I am running version 16.04 of Ubunu-MAte.

It is a bash script for running Thunar.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @fixit7, there sure is.

On the launcher: Right-click -> Properties

Now click on the icon upper left and a dialog opens to select what you want.

I’ll offer a little hint when you create or edit a launcher. If you want Thunar’s icon, type thunar (and only “thunar”) in the command field and it will go grab it for you. Once it’s there, put your bash script command back in.

Hope this gets it.

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I made a panel item for this script.

thunar ~/Scripts

However, I can not change it’s icon.

Do I have to convert my Downloads.png to a .svg file ?

I found one answer.

Convert the png file to a pnm file using convert which is included with ImageMagick.

Ex. convert Downloads.png Downloads.pnm

did you try right-clicking it and setting the icon? or making a correct .desktop file with the icon file specified? all of this is easy to find with a search and both work great for me.

Right clicking and setting the icon did not work.

I am happy with one fix.