Change Mate Terminal to Ubuntu terminal colours

Hello guys

Sorry for the dumb question, but it's possible change the colours of mate terminal to ubuntu terminal colours?

I'm new in linux and format my windows to start a linux desktop.

If it's possible how can i change?



Not a dumb question at all. Welcome to the Linux world !

  1. Open mate-terminal, go to edit and then profiles.

  2. Create a new profile and give it whatever name you want and set it as default below. Then select it, click on modify and go the colors tab.

  3. Swap the background and text colors with those codes. You have to click on each color, then the "+"sign and fill the field with the corresponding code.

FOREGROUND COLOR (text)= #ffffff

  1. Select custom as a color scheme and swap the 16 colors one by one with the codes below. There are two lines. First one is for colors 1 to 8, the second one for colors 9 to 16.

COLOR 01= #2E3436
COLOR 02= #CC0000
COLOR 03= #4E9A06
COLOR 04= #C4A000
COLOR 05= #3465A4
COLOR 06= #75507B
COLOR 07= #06989A

COLOR 09= #555753
COLOR 10= #EF2929
COLOR 11= #8AE234
COLOR 13= #729FCF
COLOR 15= #34E2E2

You will end up with something that looks like this.
There's a lazier way to do it as mentionned here but it's buggy with mate-terminal at the moment.
Hope this helps.

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But i dont think is the same of image, For example have my user with a colour and text with other.
And what this 16 colours is? i'ts possible know
but probably i just need to adjust the colours

Not using my neofetch or powerline bar, this is the color scheme you are looking for I think.

I got these colors following @Utsuro by going to edit and then profile preferences and then clicking on colors.

First, de-select the box in Use colors from system theme.

On background color click in the box to the right to change the color by sellecting the + under custom and type in #300a24 . This is the background color that will match the Ubuntu background.

To get the white font just click on text color and click on the white color.

There are built in schemes on the color page that you can also select. If you select one and don't like it, just select another.

Good Luck