Changing Compiz Application Switcher background

Hi guys,

I am using compiz and there is a little detail that I would like to change, it´s the background that the Application Switcher uses. I have already change it in compiz tweak but the change doesn´t work. Nothing happens. Any idea??


Hi @sophos,

I don’t know myself but you might find an answer here:

I presume we're referring to the white background for this?

Funnily enough, I was looking at this option in the CompizConfig Settings Manager today, but "background" option didn't change anything for me neither (16.04). :thinking: It could be a bug? Or is this referring to the actual "desktop background" when dimmed?

Wish I had an answer but all I can do is support in 16.04 with Mate 1.14 PPA, “Static Application Switcher” has the same problem.

Hi @wolfman, @lah7 and @Bill_MI

Thanks for answering. I think that it effectively should be a bug into Compiz. It doesn´t matter if you try to change either application switcher or static application switcher, nothing happens. I´m going to looking for further information in the wiki that @wolfman put in his previous message.

Cheers guys.


any news on this please?