Cheese replacement

I have problems with Cheese such as the prog freezing.

Looking for another webcam app.

Trying Webcamoid, but there are problems.

andy@7:~/Downloads$ webcamoid
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/Webcamoid/share/qml/main.qml:153 Type MediaBar unavailable
qrc:/Webcamoid/share/qml/MediaBar.qml:121 Type AddMedia unavailable
qrc:/Webcamoid/share/qml/AddMedia.qml:149 Type FileDialog unavailable
qrc:/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:45 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
qrc:/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:44 module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed
qrc:/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:45 module "Qt.labs.settings" is not installed
qrc:/QtQuick/Dialogs/DefaultFileDialog.qml:44 module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed


sudo apt-get install guvcview


When I record video, it creates a lot of jpgs?