Clonezilla images with me as owner

Whenever I want to delete old Clonezilla images, I have to do so as root.

Images are stored on a second drive that has no O.S.

Can I make it to where all files on that drive are owned by me?

Open caja as root with the following command:

gksu caja

Navigate to the file/folder in question.

Right click it and change permissions so that it is owned by you in all respects.

See example below:

Thanks, that was fairly easy.

I did so.

It did not work.

When Clonezilla made an image, it was owned by root.

I guess I could use chown.

How would I use wildcard with this ->12-26-2017-13-img ?

It doesn’t matter if it is initially owned by root. If you open Caja as root you can change the permission of any file/folder to yourself.

However, if you want to do it via a terminal, you can also use chown in the following way:

sudo chown <username> -R <filename>

I want to avoid doing that each time I clone my disk.


# Ubuntu_Mate 16.04 LTS
cd /media/andy/MAXTOR_SDB2/
echo password | sudo -S chown andy -R /media/andy/MAXTOR_SDB2/

Bash# where there is a shell, there is a way…:slight_smile:

You bet.

Bash is so much more advanced than Windows bat files as to be embarrassing. :slight_smile:

I am sure they are working on these items.

Luke: Not unless you can alter time, speed up the harvest or teleport me off this rock.