Hello all, I am stumped. I am trying to compile Orca from master, using the git clone command. After I clone orca, I cd to the directory, and run ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr, make, then sudo make install. Since this is from master, it should report a different version number, such as 41beta, or 41rc. Instead, it is reporting the last stable version, 40.0. I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu mate 21.10. Is 21.10 expecting to find python packages under a different location other than /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages? Furthermore, if I remove the orca package, I get an import error when I try and run the compiled version. Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I would love to help test new and coming screen reader features.
Hi @guyster1045! You may know this, but in case you don't, Orca is developed by the Gnome Project and they appear to have a special distro for use in testing. You can find more info on the Accessibility/Testing page, below, about participating. I'd also suggest you ask your question on the Gnome wiki. They might be able to help you more effectively. This is their "Get In Touch" page: GettingInTouch - GNOME Wiki!
Hello there, and thanks for your reply. I actually figured out how to solve my problem. I just had to create a link between where orca wanted to create its folder on compilation, and where Ubuntu expects to see it. Have a great rest of the day everyone, and go Browns!
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