Configure crontab to put to rest a hard disk

Hi all I’ve finished installing Ubuntu 16.04 Mate, and I have met with sguiente problem, previously used to configure gnome-schedule cron now can not not in the repositories. Do not know how to do the following: desire to put to rest a disc and do the 15 minute of every hour in every day. What I have done, without success, it is the following:
I have run crontab -e in the terminal and added:
15 * * * * / sbin / hdparm -y / dev / <hard_drive>
Could you help me. Thank you.

P.D. This problem is also have put in section discución is Spanish.

For if it helps someone I’ve solved as follows (if not correct, but it works)
Run from the terminal:

sudo crontab -e and adding the line:

15 * * * * root / sbin / hdparm -y / dev / [disk]

Also crontab -e and adding the line:

15 * * * * [user] / sbin / hdparm -y / dev / [disk]

I find that these lines exist in the archives:

/ Etc / contrab

/ Var / spool / cron / crontabs / [user]

/ Var / spool / cron / crontabs / root

And finally:

sudo start /etc/init.d/cron