Configuring Canon Pixma E410 printer with Ubuntu Mate 18.04 .3 LTS

Hi... I am Ashik Shareef. I just started using Ubuntu Mate 18.04 LTS Bionic Beaver 32 bit a couple of months back. Recently I was offered by my friend his Canon Pixma E410 printer for my usage. I am new to Linux. So I don't know how to configure the printer for the first time. I could not find any driver for the printer online. Could somebody help me out with that?

Thank you.
Ashik Shareef

How is it going to be connected to your computer, USB or networked, it may not even need a driver or may have one already pre-installed

Chances are, if it is a Pixma, UM will pick it up automatically. I have a Pixma MX700 and it was picked up immediately.

Have you connected it yet to see if it is recognized?

If it isn't recognized, the drivers in deb format can be found here:

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It appears to be an USB only printer

I am on 19.04 but the driver is already in gutenprint package which should be pre-installed.

turn on printer
connect cable to PC

open cups admin page in your web browser to

click on add new printer......input your username and password
it should detect it as a local printer.....while I have a networked (wireless) printer the box to share the printer.....recommend you do
click on make Canon and scroll down and select correct model as per

click on conitinue....setup your paper size and ink settings etc
do a test print etc


Thanks Bernie , stevecook172001 and aus9.. printer is detected automatically.. since its cartridge has to be replaced, I have ordered the same. Meanwhile, I want to use the scanner feature of the printer, as it is Print Scan and Copy device. How do I use that? Kindly throw some light.

Thank you.

The driver for the scanner is located on the link I gave

got it.. downloaded the same and installed the .deb scangear package. I don't know how to access that further.

Have you tried opening the simple scan application, although you may have to install it, if you did a minimal install

It often recognizes scanners automatically

If you haven't already got it installed, install "simple-scan" in a terminal with the following command:

sudo apt-get install simple-scan

Open simple scan, either from your main menu or from the terminal with the command simple-scan

Go to preferences and select the scanner from the "source" drop down field. You should find your scanner in the list.

One other thing to note: you may find you need to reboot your machine to ensure the scanner with its new drivers are picked up.