Hi team!
I’m trying to connect several bluetooth devices with Raspberry PI to use them as speakers.
However, the system only detects the first device that connects as a sound card, the rest keep the bluetooth synchronization active, but it does not interpret them as audio cards even though it is indicated by blueman-manager.
Is there anything I can do to keep all devices synchronized and supported as audio cards?
I’ve disabled the internal bluetooth by modifying the file [/boot/config.txt] adding the line dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt
, then I used a bluetooth USB capable of connecting with multiple devices like the ASUS BT400. After pairing and connecting to the speakers, I launch the command pacmd list sinks
and pactl list cards
to see the configuration but I discover that Pulseaudio has only emulated the first device bluez.XX.XX.XX.XX ...
I suppose the problem exists in the Bluez and PulseAudio modules. Can somebody help me?