Connecting to a VGA monitor through USB-C Hub

So I have a USB-C hub connect to the Raspberry 400 and I am wondering if I can output a display to my monitor with it.

Will it work with this setup?

[Raspberry Pi 400] <USB C == USB C Hub> <HDMI == VGA>

I have Ubuntu MATE 20.10 Groovy Gorilla and I am hoping this will work, I have t wait a week for my order to arrive, so I am hoping this will be a temporary alternative.

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Hi :slight_smile:
I recently got a lenovo usb3 dock and a lenovo usb-c dock and both of them didn't worked for me on linux.

There is a driver missing that can be installed on ubuntu and other OS to make it work :

Once this done, but if you have some latency on the docked screen, a patch for is needed :

sudo dpkg -i xserver-xorg-core_1.20.8-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb

Both of my dock are working now on 2 different ubuntu linux computers :slight_smile:

EDIT : BTW for those that will search for some feedback about docks on linux - it's good working !
I have tested dual screen on the dock - OK, USB3 are OK, network is OK, usb-c is ok too after installing this driver ! (without the driver - all working except screens)

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