Converting between ubuntus

I was running the standard ubuntu with unity on a desktop. To move over to ubuntu-mate I used the ubuntu backup application to backup my system. I then unplugged the external hard drive the backup was on and installed ubuntu-mate. Following that I plugged in the external drive with the backup, opened the backup application and used the “restore from” option to restore from the backup. I then reinstalled all the software packages I like to have.
I’ve also used this procedure to transfer a copy of my data from an ubuntu desktop to a freshly installed ubuntu-mate laptop (Macbook Pro 6.2). That also worked.
By the way - it does not seem to matter if you install all your favourite software packages first or restore your data from the backup - linux seems to always put the same stuff in the same place.
It just doesn’t get any easier, does it? :grinning:
TIPP: There are other posts in this forum regarding using “sudo apt-get install a list of all my favourite software” which allows you to install all those favourite software packages in one terminal command. I’ve not used it but it sounds good.
Q: Has anyone used AptOnCD?