Convey ubuntu mate


am I allowed to convey a raspberry with an ubuntu mate distribution on sd card?
If yes, under which conditions, regarding licences, disclaimers, copyrights, making available sorce code?

Thanks, Janna

Ubuntu MATE, much like Ubuntu itself is free to use. There are no conditions or licenses beyond the GNU GPL you need to abide by. Even for use in businesses, Ubuntu is free. Associated services such as Ubuntu Advantage and Landscape on the other hand cost money, but for general use and people who already know what they’re doing the system costs nothing.

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But use it is not the same as give it to somebody else.
GPL as example requires to deliver a copyright and warranty disclaimer, the licence text and source code (on medium, as written offer or as link).
So if you convey Ubuntu MATE, you have to provide source code, too.? Where can I find the right sources of the raspberry image?
And a disclaimer where to find all the copyrigths and the licence text?
But is this enough? Or are there non-free parts in Ubuntu MATE or parts under other licences?

Thanks, Janna