Css for desktop icon highlighting

What would be the gtk3 css code for changing the mate desktop icon text label color ? Also the color of the text when highlighted. It's stuck on one color and the old css code doesn't work.



The above 2 locations appear to be disabled.

Thanks in advance.



Welcome to the forum!

gtk3 css at my system reads:

.nautilus-desktop.nautilus-canvas-item {
    color: @theme_base_color;
    text-shadow: 1px 1px alpha (@theme_fg_color, 0.8);

.nautilus-desktop.nautilus-canvas-item:selected {
    text-shadow: none;

.nautilus-desktop .entry {
    background-image: none;
    border-image: none;

Yes the nautilus was replaced with caja in the most current css for that.
But now the caja stanza apparently is disabled. So I'm looking for the newest code I guess. The desktop icon font is white and no control over the highlighting color for various themes.

Any further help appreciated. Thanks.

Take a look at the GTK Inspector, this will help you find the CSS and elements in real time: