Daily Build Problems

I am having problems with the daily builds not running,asking for user id and passwords and in general not even booting up after choosing try without installing ???


did you use a disk and follow this advice?:

@kuvanito Make sure you have that latest daily, built a few hours ago, because the issues you describe have been fixed :slight_smile:

yeap,latest build was corrected also Rufus with Windows has given me some issues but Unetbootin keeps on being the Champion :slight_smile:

my dear friend wolfman I stopped buying cd’s and dvd’s longggggggggggg time ago

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I actually went back to using re-burnables (disks) as Unetbootin kept doing things wrong ( I told it not to but it did so anyway! :smiley: ), although it takes a tad longer, I seem to have fewer if no problems doing it that way!. :smiley:

:slight_smile: you are right,the burn is 99% always successful,nice day to all :slight_smile:

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One tool I won’t use as it sucks (imo), is Startup Disk Creator, I have never ever ever had made a successful bootable USB stick using that app, Unetbootin is waaaaaaay better than SDC, that said, I tend to use re-burnables now even though it takes longer to install!. :smiley: