Disable right click on upper panel

Hi to all.
I have to leave 20 machines with Ubuntu Mate 18.04 to “unpredictables” users in a school. They will use a limited account, no rights to modify the system.
I wonder if is possible to disable the right click on upper panel, because I don’t want they “accidentally” change the panel and, most of all, I don’t want they change the menu (alacarte).
Any answer welcome.
Thank you.

You can disable changing all panels with the command

gsettings set org.mate.panel locked-down true

You can still right click a panel, but it will only have the options Help and About Panels.

I don’t know about the menu.

ok, thanks. I’ll try it

You can hide the menu editor with the menu editor as well as any other apps you need to hide if that’s what you’re wanting I don’t know how to make it entirely inaccessible though

Well, actually the locked-down key (I found it in dconf editor) is very smart because if the user is a full right user locks the right click but leave the option to modify the menu, if the user has no rights as administrator hides the option to modify the menu.
Very nice.