Do GTK2 themes still work on mate?

Any I download and install using pling set my system to adwaita as soon as I click them.

Is this a GTK2 problem, or something else?

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Welcome, @nostalgic to the community!

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Hi! Thanks @Bombilla =]

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I will refer you to a comment I made on this post. :slight_smile:

"adwaita" could be used as the "engine" component for your desired theme overlay. You need to examine the contents of the theme's component files to determine if they are just basic adwaita, or your chosen named theme.

If there is no theme directory by your chosen name found under



  • your attempt at installing the theme has probably failed, or
  • you may have downloaded, but not installed, the theme bundle.

The only other option is that the them bundle is malformed and cannot unbundle properly, for your particular environment, possibly because your desktop was not a "programmed scenario".

Some GTK2 themes have been ported, such as this one:

However, you will notice that it uses GTK2 engine to look right. I don't think GTK2 themes can be ported faithfully to GTK3 without including GTK2 engine. Someone can correct me if this is wrong.

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Welcome, @cate to the community!

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