Dear Friends,
Whilst one may take one position or the other about our dependency upon gadgetry to keep us connected, reality remains. Since the unfriendly folk at alphabet change things for commercial reasons and quickly, those of us using evolution need the latest iteration. I have used it since Ximian.
Now, I need 3.6.2, which is available in flatpak, but wish simple to have that version. Before I do something that will require time I do not possess to repair, will the installation of the flatpak package
a: simply update the evolution programme and remove the old one, or will both somehow be one the system willy nilly?
b: urgently important, since I calendar, email, and collate among portable phones, all my computers and a tablet, will the flatpak package simply read the /home/. settings things with everything remaining as were it a .deb install, or will it bring unexpected loss of data?
I understand that we need stability in programming, but when the powers that be move fast, and people depend upon gmail, odious as it is, and it is a common sort of buy-in for academic institutions, so while may look as if an institution runs an email server, few do, we need to have the latest version of our lifeline, to wit evolution, available, seamlessly.
Thank you for your kind attention.