Download Ubuntu Mate 23.04 for Raspberry Pi

Is it possible to download a build of Ubuntu Mate 23.04 Raspberry Pi (4)?

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HI, the way I read it seems like initially is not yet available from here:

Most likely it is forthcoming.


Hi, @Theprogame_2.0 .

I don't have any information but - considering that currently (May 2023) the only Ubuntu MATE versions available for download for the Raspberry Pi are for the 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) - 32-bit ( and 64-bit ( and that we still don't have any downloads available for Ubuntu MATE 22.10 (Kinetic Kudu) for the Raspberry Pi yet - my best guess is that we'll only have another Raspberry Pi Ubuntu MATE version in the next LTS (Long Term Support) version (which would be for 24.04). But probably only @Wimpy (Martin Wimpress) can give any official and definitive answer about that.

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