Downloading & installing ubuntumate on old laptop

I want to put ubuntumate on an old Dell 32-bit laptop. I have the following questions on the instructions given on Download Ubuntu MATE 15.10

  1. On a laptop with Ubuntu 12.04.4 I downloaded ubuntu-mate-15.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent. I want to create a live USB, so I formatted and inserted a 2G pendrive. Can I use gddrescue as suggested in that page to create a live USB from this .iso.torrent file?

  2. The gddrescue command given in that page is
    sudo ddrescue -d -D --force ubuntu-mate-15.10-desktop-i386.iso /dev/sdx
    Can I just substitue the downloaded iso.torrent file for the .iso file given in this command?
    How to find out the /dev node where my usb stick is mounted? That is, what to put instead of ‘dev/sdx’ ?
    (I will install gddrescue before running the above command)


take a look at the following:

The .iso.torrent file is not an image and you cannot create a USB or DVD from it. What you want to do is fire up your bittorrent software, add the .iso.torrent file and your bittorrent will then download the .iso file, which is what you need to create a USB or DVD. If you don’t have, or don’t know how to use bittorent, then simply download the .iso file directly via the HTTP direct download found on this page (scroll past the torrent links).