Drive mounter applet rework: vertical showing of drives versus horizontal

would there be a possibility that the drive mounter application could have a different mode so that it was more like cinnamon’s or gnomes where the drives are shown in a list under the applet, not that it would need to be that way normally just have the option to change it, I personally do not care for it and I think it takes up space, especially if u have a 1280/1024 screen as i have on my desktop with three harddrives some with multiple partitions and a thumbdrive plugged in at all times… I just would like the option if it is feasible

Does anybody else want this or just me

Yeah, it’s something I could use, too. However, I think I’d be happier if the ability to unmount a network share from the applet were restored.

I would not think it would be that hard to accomplish, but I don’t know, I
do know the devs are probably very busy right now, but it would be nice at
least for 18.10

Or, hopefully, Mate 1.21. I’ve also tried it with Debian, Solus, and Antergos and it’s the same all around. But I agree, Martin & Co, are undoubtedly swamped right now.

I currently have found the diskman indicator to work, however it is a bit to much as it lists all my snaps, but an applet indicator that just showed removable drives used to be a thing at least in 2011 from what I read, if there is a way to implement such a thing eventually it would be nice