Dropbox caja dropdown menu

Dear friends,

The "Dropbox" segment of the pulldown is missing, thus, i cannot quickly right click, "copy dropbox link" and shoot an email with the link.

When and why did this change. I worked perfectly a week or so ago.


I can't reproduce on both fresh Ubuntu MATE 20.04 LTS and 20.10 VM with DropBox 113.4.507.

What is your Ubuntu MATE version and version of DropBox?
For dropbox version please show the output of cat ~/.dropbox-dist/VERSION cat /var/lib/dropbox/.dropbox-dist/VERSION command.

Have you tried to restart Caja using caja -q (maybe multiple times)?

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Dear N,

Thank you so much - I knew it had to be a version issue, so I did dropbox -update. Now, at boot up and login, all I have to do is enter admin password, and all is back to normal. So the issue was temporary, and, rather like things like youtube-dl, there is a command line to update so that things work together before the software updater does is for us.

And I can well understand why is is better to have the dropbox bin require authentication.
