Dual booting Ubuntu mate 16.04 & Windows 10

Hello everyone I have a question and I’m sure its been asked many times but here goes. I recently installed Ubuntu mate 16.04 on a machine that also has Windows 10.

When I install Ubuntu it did not give me the option to install alongside of Windows. I created a partition with about 150-GB of space and installed Ubuntu on that partition, after everything was completed I restarted my machine and it booted straight into Ubuntu.

Although I use Ubuntu on this machine 90% of the time I was thinking it might not be such a big deal fixing this as long as I don’t have to uninstall Ubuntu and reinstall it again

Here’s my problem, I have to go into my bios and chang the boot sequence in order to boot into Windows.

For Linux my Bios is configured with Legacy so in oder for me to boot into Ubuntu it’s has to be set to Legacy.

For Windows my Bios is configured to UEFI so in order for me to boot into Windows my bios has to be set to UEFI.

Question, how do I fix this to have the GRUB option to choose between Windows or Ubuntu,. I dont have the GRUB menu at all.

I was thinking maybe I can use Grub boot loader repair disk to fix this but I’m not sure because I never use it before. My system is running flawless and I hate to mess things up.

I been reading up on this and as far as I can see you are suppose to install Ubuntu on the same Bios setting as Windows is installed. I found this out after the fact but not sure how to fix it with out messing things up

Thank you for any help with this matter

@Robgoss Below text might assist you
'Converting Ubuntu into UEFI mode
Do not follow this procedure if your computer is already booting
correctly. Use this procedure only if you believe you’ve accidentally
installed Ubuntu in BIOS/CSM/legacy mode and you want it to boot in
UEFI/UEFI mode. Start Boot-Repair, click on “Advanced options”, go to the “GRUB location” tab. If
you do not see a “Separate /boot/efi partition” line, this means that
your PC does not have any UEFI partition. In this case, exit
Boot-Repair, then create an UEFI partition (see the “Creating an UEFI
partition” paragraph above). If you see a “Separate /boot/efi partition” line, tick it then click the “Apply” button. Set up your BIOS so that it boots the HDD in UEFI mode (see the "“Set up the BIOS in UEFI or Legacy mode” paragraph above). ’

Complete Post was obtained by following oldfred’s answer to your post on Ubuntu’s forum

Please note that I have no UEFI experience!


See also:


Thanks so much for the info guys

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