Please be aware that after your first login you will not be able to post any topic in Ubuntu Discourse until you have spent some time exploring the site and reading some posts. [The Support and Help section]( will be the first to be open to you for posting. Thereafter, as you gain trust, you will find other sections of Discourse open to you.
I built up trust with my 5+ years of posting.
What happened to that trust that I and many others earned?
So, I think your question may arise from your participation (which you've mentioned in previous posts of yours) in three different Ubuntu "community" sites (which are unrelated between them):
The "Ubuntu MATE Community" is the discussion forums web site where we are now. As @tkn says, you are still a Trust Level 2 ("Member" badge) level user here (so, you have NOT lost any trust / level here). You can see your "Ubuntu MATE Community" profile at: "Profile - fixit7 - Ubuntu MATE Community" -
The message you've shown ("Please be aware that after your first login you will not be able to post any topic in Ubuntu Discourse ...") is from that "Ubuntu Discourse" / "Ubuntu Community Hub" - - community discussion forums. Probably, you didn't / don't have a profile / account created there yet and it's probably because of that, that you're now getting that "first login" message.
I'm a user on this site, have been I don't know how long, but I'm aware my membership here doesn't relate to the other sites (Ubuntu Community Hub/Discourse, Ask Ubuntu etc) just as @ricmarques said.
I joined the Ubuntu Discourse soon after it became public (Oct 2017); my interest mostly related to my role in Ubuntu News, but site history goes back to 2017.
Ubuntu Discourse is its own site; being known initially as the Ubuntu Community Hub with a far more narrowed focus than today. What history it has relates to its existence since 2017. The word discourse referring to the software running.
Ubuntu Discourse:
For Ubuntu Forums staff, we may (in the future) provide badges or equivalent they can add to their accounts, that is being looked into currently; both to honor a specific member, but others too.
You didn't mention your user account on Ubuntu Discourse; but the site has been public since October 2017 which was longer than 5 years ago, so it should have all history of what you've done on that site.
If you're asking about that site; the question should probably have been asked on that site. My answer would likely be much the same there, but I'd have had access to your history, thus could provided more specific details.
This is the Ubuntu-MATE discourse & part of the Ubuntu MATE community resources; whilst its related (part of the Ubuntu family) a lot of what occurs is not common to all Ubuntu family groups.