About six or so hours ago I stopped receiving notifications of new post. Been playing with my user preference settings, but not making any difference. Not getting any notifications.
I was set to be notified of all new post. Any thoughts on this?
About six or so hours ago I stopped receiving notifications of new post. Been playing with my user preference settings, but not making any difference. Not getting any notifications.
I was set to be notified of all new post. Any thoughts on this?
Hi @anon42388993,
the boss (@Wimpy) was working on the forum software so that may be the reason, try it again when you get up!.
I didn’t knowingly disable that, I’ve just noticed I haven’t had notifications for days?! I’ll look into it later.
How very odd… I’ve had notifications working as normal.
I’ll double check SPF and DKIM for the new mail provider.
This may be fixed, I see 4 notifications in my inbox.
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