Enable os-prober dual boot

I have a Win10 computer that cannot be upgraded, and really I don't want too. Yet I have two programs I need Windows for, Quicken 2002 and Garmin Express. I have tried all the Linux financial stuff and it is not what I want or overkill accounting software. Garmin Express just won't support Linux. The excuses are always the same "fragmentation" but with appimages that is just not true anymore. Hopefully some of these software companies will start porting to Linux with appimage.

I don't want to love Win 10 for that reason. I have done some research but am just not confident. The last time I dual booted was Win 7.

"So, for the moment, Ubuntu 22.04 (or more accurately GRUB in Ubuntu 22.04) does not detect any other operating system during or after install. Ubuntu’s Julian Andres Klode acknowledges that this is “…a bit controversial and the outcome is not necessarily in the best interest of our users”.

One workaround (for now) is to add GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false to /etc/default/grub like so:
fix grub os prober
OS Prober enabled
Hit save, then run sudo update-grub to let it do its thing.
Finally, reboot and et voila: a GRUB menu with stuff in it:

So do I have to start my installation media, use "try Ubuntu" then go in and add the line to the booted file system now running /etc/default/grub :

Then run: sudo update-grub"

Now can I safely install Ubuntu Mate and have grub find both OS's during installation?

If that all works, then when I boot into Ubuntu Mate the first time I have to do the same thing on the hard drive or any new kernel will miss Windows and not have a boot entry? Correct?

Also seeing their is no persistence I would have to do this each time I use the installation media, correct?

Any help would be appreciated.

I have just 1 NVMe drive with a small windows 10 partition (network disabled) and ubuntu mate 22.04 LTS.

I don't even have the line GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=false in my /etc/default/grub and I have no problem dual-booting.

Even after numerous kernel updates (=also grub refresh) it just keeps on working.
and this Ubuntu install is a fresh install, not a do-release-upgrade thing.
I don't know why it works for me, but it does.

I guess YMMV, probably depending on configuration.


Why use that quote & that reference to an issue during the alpha stage of Ubuntu jammy? ie.

Ubuntu carries code that reverses that upstream default, which was added to Ubuntu jammy prior to hitting beta.

Your OMG Ubuntu article is from Dec 2021; when it happened (during the alpha stage of development). No fix was needed prior to beta or post-release.

I suggest that os_prober issue is a red herring if your system is updated. There are cases where other systems are not detected, which include

  • other OS is using btrfs (and some other file-system type issues) in certain circumstances
  • other OS has left file-system unclean because it's hibernated (with windows fastboot being a form of hibernation)

If you're worried about that os_prober issue, don't be if you're going to use a supported release of Ubuntu. A quick look at the reporting of that bug on the ISO QA tracker will show no reports after 2022-February-15


Okay thanks. I do read a lot of people losing their dual boot in different forums. I will wait for the next LTS release and install that. I plan to register for the 12 years of support (Ubuntu Pro). The computer is Dell All-In-One that was bought shortly after Win 10 was released, so I will have to check the bios for fast boot. It is so slow and frustrating and runs so fast from a Linux USB drive it is like a totally different computer.


You didn't say what OSes were involved in that; but if you're going beyond Ubuntu, then I'll agree.

I have a box which is dual boot with a Debian trixie system, plus Ubuntu jammy (22.04), Ubuntu mantic (23.10) & Ubuntu noble (24.04), and as Debian usually controls the boot (via its grub), when it updates, the Ubuntu grub offerings can disappear [from the Debian grub; Debian doesn't carry the patches Ubuntu does].

It takes me ~2 seconds to reverse that issue, so it doesn't worry me anyway. Besides that, I re-install both the Ubuntu jammy and now noble system non-destructively ~weekly anyway (instead of applying normal package upgrades; whilst doing a QA-test install at the same time), and during those installs the Ubuntu system takes ownership of grub away from Debian (taking me another ~2 seconds to revert; as the box is dual boot I have to boot Debian anyway to confirm the install didn't corrupt it anyway).

Not all systems (such as Debian in this example) carry the patches Ubuntu does that void this os_prober issue, but even if they don't, its easy to correct. It's only disconcerting that first time, when it's unexpected.

FYI: I consider flavors of Ubuntu, like Ubuntu-MATE, a Ubuntu system... thus my wording..


I also participate in Mint and Sparky forums. Sparky has never had the os-prober disabled. Mint has a lot of problems with dual boots.

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FYI Only , GRUB 2.06 - SparkyLinux

It's the default for grub 2.06 & later; and I'd expect most (if not all) distros to be hit when they updated to that version of grub.

For those that reverted the change (via patch), some may have been so quick very few end-users noticed, which is great.