Encrypting with 7-Zip is not longer easy

I am a low tech user of the Ubuntu-Mate distro for several years using two HP laptops that are about 8 and10 years old now. I keep spreadsheets and documents encrypted on my computer using 7-Zip. Something changed in 24.04 that 7-Zip does not work the same way on my computers. I used to right click on a file to encrypt or double click to open an encrypted file. The P7Zip is so inefficient that I don't have time to figure out how to use it if it's functioning correctly. Maybe it's my computers. I needed help getting both computers to find Debian packages. Thanks ricmarques for that thread. I tried loading Ubuntu with the cinnamon desktop. The 10 year old computer has the same P7Zip issue and Ubuntu cinnamon won't load on the 8 year old computer.

My low tech alternatives are to run Ubuntu-Mate 22.04 until its life ends in 2025 and see if my 7-Zip problem fixes itself when 24.10 or 25.04 comes out. Or load Ubuntu 22.04 and hope the Mate desktop is there. That would take me to 2027 and hopefully be onto a new computer by then. Or run Mint (please don't be offended) which is based on 22.04 and pray I don't have the same 7-Zip problem when they move to 24.04 as a base.

Any suggestions to get 7-Zip working properly in Ubuntu-Mate 24.04?

Hi Jim,

I immediately tested 7z on 24.04 because I use it too, and probably in the same way (including occasional encryption and the like).
Currently my maincomputer runs 22.04 but I have 3 ancient laptops running 24.04 (just testing)

I wonder what that is, at first I detected no anomalies on my old laptops.

That still worked the same way as always for me, until I reinstalled 7z and p7zip.
then it stopped working. This is how it worked for me until an hour ago.

I tested on both an old Thinkpad T420 (2011) and an old Asus F3T (2005)

  1. I rightclicked on a folder, chose compress from the rightclickmenu.
  2. The compress dialog pops up
    I selected .7z
    I selected "other options" and filled in a password
    I clicked "create"
  3. after the compressed file was created I moved it around a bit and rightclicked to unzip
  4. a window pops up and asks me the password.
  5. after entering the password it unzips and restores the folder (including everything in it) in the directory where I placed the 7z-file

7z and p7zip work from the commandline so the problem is highly likely in engrampa.

By the way: We seem to be not the only ones having this problem
Follow this link and add yourself to the bugreport by clicking the "affects me too" button.

I added myself to this bug


Yes it is a Mate problem not a Ubuntu Mate problem. I was able to open the file with gnomes file roller, but not engrampa. Still I love the Mate desktop and would rather use Mate software. Thanks for reporting the bug.


That is good info, thanks. Confirmed it and added it to the bugreport. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the help. I added myself to the Ubuntu bug report above. Now I know I just have to wait for the August update to 24.04.1 and hope it's fixed by then. Until then it's 22.04 or Mint for me.

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Screenrecord of that issue. Compress and crypt a file in 7z, open it and no password prompt:

So, for now, what is the workaround to allow us to open crypted 7z files?

The problem has been fixed.


In the mean while, what is the workaround to allow us to open encrypted files with a GUI ? Not every users can read github and build the latest release.

For instance you can use PeaZip.

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If it has been fixed, could you share with the Community, the "recipe" for installing it directly, immediately, such that it would not conflict with the version that eventually rolls out with the distro list refresh?

I agree, as I didn't success to build it from source :disappointed_relieved: