Engrampa does not support the format .rar

Снимок экрана в 2021-10-20 06-07-51

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RAR is supported in engrampa as plugins.
You have to install the RAR related packages by

sudo add-apt-repository multiverse
sudo apt-get install unrar rar p7zip-rar

and retry.


works. Thanks.
Body is too short (minimum is 20 characters).

Today I've made a fresh new installation of Ubuntu MATE 24.04.1 LTS. But unfortunately I can't open password-protected .rar archives with Engrampa. And these rar archives were created with engrampa in prevoius versions of Ubuntu MATE. I've tried with installation of packages which you have recommended but none of these packages helped. It seems that the 1.26.2 version of Engrampa is buggy.