Enhanced support for Yubikey Two-factor authentication

After a brief conversation on the Ubuntu Mate Patreon Telegram group on Yubico support, @Wimpy endorsed the idea of getting all the information together and work on enhanced support for Yubikey in Ubuntu Mate. In general Yubikey is working but it is a challenging task to get everything setup correctly and the community documentation is not consistent and up to date.

But what is Yubikey?

Yubikey werbsite
Yubikey start guide

Usefull guides based on older Ubuntu versions
2 factor authentication for login and lock-screen:

2 factor authentication for remove SSH using Yubikey OTP:

2 factor authentication full-disk encryption via LUKS:

Confirmed working
Device: Yubikey 4 / Yubikey 4 nano
* 2FA using SSH/Yubikey OTP
* 2FA LightDM lock-screen
* 2FA Light-Locker
* 2FA with full-disk encryption via LUKS
* Yubico Authenticator app
* Yubikey NEO manager
* Yubikey Personalisation Tool

Open issues:

  • Mate-screensaver fails to unlock with multiple factor authentication in pam - Issue on Github

Obviously more input is required to get a solid overview of what is working and what not. Please feel free to comment on this post, I will make sure all information is consolidated.


I have a Yubuikey 3/ Yubikey 3 Nano and will test with those.


I’d like to start off by sharing what I have as a working (albeit requiring some manual intervention) solution for a Yubikey 4. My workflow assumes that the Yubikey itself has already been prepared for the modes and keys that will be used. In my case I had set it up over a year ago and had a working configuration on my desktop. The steps and configurations that I list are my attempt to make it work on MATE 17.04 on a laptop and are a patchwork of various guides which I have extracted snippets from where I thought it matched.

The outstanding item remaining to be eliminated for my own setup is the current requirement to manually kill gpg-agent and restart it as the normal user with the –daemon and –enable-ssh-support options. But I’m getting ahead of myself. I’ll do my best to describe a reproducible process:

  1. Install the following packages: pcscd libccid scdaemon opensc pcsc-tools pinentry-curses gnupg2

At this point, the Yubikey should be able to work for things such as generating OTP and web-based 2FA (e.g. Google, Facebook, LastPass).

  1. I want my Yubikey to be used for ssh such that I never need to generate client specific keys. Once I’ve connected to a server one-time I will be able to login to that server in the future without having to “ssh-copy-id” to it. I want GPG to act as the ssh agent of choice so first I disable the existing OpenSSH agent. Comment out this line in /etc/X11/Xsession.options


Now navigate to the Startup Applications Preferences in the desktop menu and disable SSH Key Agent from starting automatically. In this case it is dealing with gnome keyring.

I believe this can also be accomplished by adding “X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false” to /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-keyring-ssh.desktop (Note that this would disable autostart for all users so you may want to instead make a copy of the file in your ~/.config/autostart directory)

Log out and then back in.

  1. Now that we have focused the system down to using GPG we need to ensure it is configured appropriately. Insert your Yubikey. type “gpg2 --card-status” to verify that it able to be read. This should also create the ~/.gnupg directory if it doesn’t already exist. If you have a correct URL already set for a key server you can now use “gpg2 --card-edit” followed by the “fetch” command to download your public keys.

In the ~/.gnupg directory create “gpg-agent.conf” and add the following:

pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-curses

In the “gpg.conf” file, which should already be in the directory, add the following at the bottom:


cd to your home directory and edit your “.bashrc” file to add the following:

# Start the gpg-agent if not already running
if ! pgrep -x -u "${USER}" gpg-agent >/dev/null 2>&1; then
	  gpg-connect-agent /bye >/dev/null 2>&1

# Set SSH to use gpg-agent
if [ "${gnupg_SSH_AUTH_SOCK_by:-0}" -ne $$ ]; then
	  export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="/run/user/$UID/gnupg/S.gpg-agent.ssh"

export GPG_TTY

#Refresh gpg-agent tty in case user switches into an X session
gpg-connect-agent updatestartuptty /bye > /dev/null

Now log out and back in again.

Running “ssh-add -L” should list keys corresponding to your Yubikey. Now is the time to attempt to login to an ssh server (ideally one that already has your public key in its “~/.ssh/authorized_keys” file.

From here you are at the stage where I have found myself stuck in that everything seems to be set correctly but when attempting to ssh to the server it fails. My current workaround is as follows:

pkill gpg-agent
gpg-agent --daemon --enable-ssh-support

This now allows me to ssh to the server where I am presented with the pinentry prompt to enter the passphrase. I believe the issue is that when gpg-agent is launched upon login it is with the wrong effective uid. Killing it and then launching it as the actual user seems to solve this but there must be a better way!


Great stuff, I will give this a try when time permits.