Error accessing website... NO browsers can while

Ugh... this is upsetting. I'm trying to access my website... and every browser (Chromium, Firefox, whatever) is spitting out a "connection refused" error!

But it's just this one computer! All other computers on my LAN (I'm using my phone as a hotspot) and it connects just fine...

And any other computer no matter the OS, even my Raspberry Pi running Ubuntu MATE 16.04, the same OS (but the laptop is running the amd64 variant) accesses just fine. I even tried using another WiFi network to access my site at the local public library... same "err_connection_refused" message.

I've tried searching the Ubuntu MATE community (which I thank y'all for--sorry, I'm in the American Midwest) and Google to no avail.

I'm at my last end. This site I mentioned above is a labor of love for me and I just don't know why it's happening. It's a hosted site... and I can access and other sites just fine. It's just my website I can't access.

Since I can only use one image per post for now...

Other computers can access my site just fine...

Yeah, it's my phone, but I don't have my RPi3 powered up right now.

And it works on my RPi3...

but on the laptop, the error still persists. Same lan.

Hm, that is weird alright.
‘Connection Refused’ looks like either your local firewall, your router or the server hosting your site is dropping the connection.
What do you get when you click “details” in the various browsers?
Can you download the webpage fine using a command line tool?


I have no trouble accessing your site from here on 16.04.


First, @ouroumov has an excellent suggestion. What that command gets may tell a lot.

I just have a quick thought. Do you remember ever working on your site, when it wasn’t public for example, and pointing to another address? You may have modified /etc/hosts to do this so that laptop doesn’t go to the right address now.


Excellent @ouroumov and @Bill_MI suggestions,

If you change your DNS (Google, OpenDNS) in the network settings you can get access?

I once had a problem located with an unavailable site, found checking through the commands:

  • traceroute [ip/web-site url]
  • mtr [ip/web-site url]

Checking the route and Ping can be helpful in case it was a problem in my ISP. As soon as I found out they corrected a problem with the route. And I didn’t even imagine it could be that hehe



I’ve also seen routers get stuck with a bad routing-table entry that singles out a particular box by its address.

@Alexandra_Tilbrook, you might try completely power resetting your router (phone hotspot) to see if this gets it.

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Hey y'all!

I FINALLY fixed it!

It was in my /etc/hosts file pointing to localhost!

I did some checking of some files... and I remember when I installed, I set my hostname to my website address... dumb idea...

I opened nano, and saw this on the second line: alexatilbrook

I then edited it, making it say " alexatilbrook alexatilbrook"
(changes in bold)

Saved it, typed 'sudo service NetworkManager restart' and then restarted my hotspot...

And now it works.

This topic is now SOLVED.

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