Error initramfs-tools installation on Raspberry Pi 2 with Ubuntu Mate 15.10

Goodmorning everyone. My problem is on initramfs-tools on Ubuntu 15.10 Mate uploaded Raspberry Pi 2
Some of you can tell me what are these libraries?
What are they?
When upgrading is always presented this problem. I tried it with sudo -u -k -all but the answer is generating /boot/initrd-3.18.0-25-rpi2
and then unsupported platform.
How can you solve this problem? Thank you. :joy:

Ubuntu MATE 15.10 doesn’t come with that kernel version. I’m guessing you’ve dist-upgraded from 15.04? Which is sadly not supported.

Thanks for your answer. I am not very expert, but what are these tools?
What do you recommend I do?

Yes, it’s true. I upgraded to the latest version. :smile:

Since you’ve upgraded from 15.04 to 15.10 on the Raspberry Pi, which due to its architecture is not supported, your best bet would be to save/backup any data you wish to keep, then re-flash the card with a fresh image of 15.10.

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